cerca CERCA
Mercoledì 26 Marzo 2025
Aggiornato: 11:58
10 ultim'ora clock BREAKING NEWS


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Yili Group Wins 17 World Food Innovation Awards

LONDON, March 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The winners of the World Food Innovation Awards 2023 were announced at the International Food and Drink Event (IFE) on March 20 in the UK. With outstanding performance in innovation, Yili Group became the biggest winner with the most awards. Together with its subsidiary Ausnutria Dairy, the company took one top prize, notably ranked among finalists for 13 awards and received commendation for three more awards.

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Angel Yeast Showcases Latest Product Innovations at Food Ingredients China 2023

SHANGHAI, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Angel Yeast, (SH600298), the world's leading yeast manufacturer, has come to Food Ingredients China 2023, Asia's premier trade show in the food additives and ingredients industry, to display its newest yeast innovations. Angel's latest offerings aim to unlock the potential of yeast and biotech in food production and empower food producers in capturing the growing market.

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SK Chemicals to Take the Lead in the $7.6 Billion Recycled PET Market

SEONGNAM, South Korea, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SK chemicals accelerates its entry into the global market and business expansion with the world's first chemically recycled BHET (r-BHET) of 70,000MT and chemically recycled PET (CR-PET) of 50,000MT production systems.

100% PIZZA

100% PIZZA, Alin Stroia: “Ecco il segreto per la pizza digeribile e di alta qualità”

Roma, 02/03/2023. La pizza rimane indiscutibilmente il piatto più amato dagli italiani, capace di diventare un food riconosciuto internazionalmente grazie all’appeal che trasmette a livello globale. Nonostante la larga diffusione e presenza capillare, milioni di persone in tutto il mondo mangiano quotidianamente la pizza in ogni sua forma e diversificazione, sempre alla ricerca della migliore lavorazione. Questo fenomeno ha portato pizzaioli e titolari di locali a sperimentare nuovi ingredienti, ...

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Tachiz Group Seeks to Expand Presence in Europe Following Market Growth

TAINAN, Taiwan, March 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading Taiwanese popping boba manufacturer Tachiz Group is pleased to announce its international expansion plan focusing on European customers following initial success in the region. As a warm-up, Tachiz is attending two of the most prominent industry exhibitions, namely FOODEX Japan 2023 and FHA-HoReCa, to spread its passion for popping pearls on the international stage and capitalize on the delicacy's growing popularity.


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