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The Organizing Committee of the Shanghai Biennale announces its forthcoming edition.

26 luglio 2023 | 15.01
LETTURA: 2 minuti

Opening: November 9, 2023Chief Curator: Anton VidokleCurators: Zairong Xiang, Hallie Ayres, Lukas Brasiskis, Ben Eastham

Cosmos Cinema: The 14th Shanghai Biennale 

SHANGHAI, July 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Titled Cosmos Cinema, the 14th Shanghai Biennale will offer visitors a space and time in which to reflect on the operations of the universe and to reimagine our place within it.

The cosmos shapes every aspect of our existence, whether wittingly—the interpretation of stars and planets gave rise to our origin stories, religions, calendars, economies, agricultures, sciences, and social orders—or unwittingly, as in the effects of tides or solar flares. Cosmos Cinema considers how our material and psychological relationship to the cosmos conditions all life on earth.

To look to the sky is to watch a screen onto which the cosmos is projected in points of light, and so Cosmos Cinema adopts the techniques of filmmaking—principally light, shadow, and the arrangement of images in time—for its organizing principles. Proposing that cinema is not only a storytelling medium but a cosmic phenomenon, the exhibition will be structured along the lines of an experimental film.

The works included in the story are as various in their forms and approaches as readings of the constellations. They reflect on diverse cosmologies and microcosmic realities, but all begin from a point of wonder: how do we fit into the systems that govern time and space? Do the same principles operate at every scale, and how might our interpretation of them change our behavior on Earth and in society? How do we live together, as a species and with nonhuman others, on earth and beyond?

Cosmos Cinema proposes that thinking about the cosmos might work against the alienations—from each other, from nature, and even from time itself—of our historical moment. As our world cannot be separated from the influence of the sun, the moon, and the heavenly bodies, so the 14th Shanghai Biennale argues that reflecting on our connections to the cosmos might encourage more complex ways of thinking about the deeply entangled challenges that face us today. 

Established in 1996, the Shanghai Biennale is the oldest and most influential international exhibition of contemporary art in China. Since 2012 it has taken place at the Power Station of Art and has featured more than 1,000 artists from China and around the world.

More info: https://www.e-flux.com/announcements/547126/theme-and-artistic-team-of-14th-edition/

View original content:https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/the-organizing-committee-of-the-shanghai-biennale-announces-its-forthcoming-edition-301885463.html

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