Sinopec Announces Major Gas Field Discovery in Sichuan Basin, China
A key breakthrough of Project Deep Earth-Sichuan and Chongqing natural gas base, phase-I of the Bazhong gas field adds 30.55 billion cubic meters of proven geological reserves
A key breakthrough of Project Deep Earth-Sichuan and Chongqing natural gas base, phase-I of the Bazhong gas field adds 30.55 billion cubic meters of proven geological reserves
FRANKFURT, Germany, Aug. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Slenergy, a world-leading innovator of sustainable smart energy solutions, has achieved remarkable success in the German solar market with its cutting-edge 4-15 kW iShare-Home one-stop residential solar energy solution. Garnering immense attention across Germany, the company's latest product, iShare-Home Mini smart solar system, has captivated the market.
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Aug. 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- COP28 President-Designate Dr. Sultan Al Jaber has addressed the nineteenth session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), sharing his vision and priorities for COP28, especially the need for adaptation financing and acceleration of the energy transition.
BERLINO, 17 agosto 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Jackery, uno dei maggiori fornitori al mondo di innovativi prodotti di alimentazione portatili e soluzioni energetiche ecocompatibili per esterni, ha annunciato la propria presenza all'IFA 2023 BERLIN, dove nello stand n. 307, Padiglione 3.2, presenterà il suo nuovo prodotto di punta e le sue ultimissime innovazioni nel campo degli alimentatori portatili.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) ("the Company") announced that over 700 employees, who recently graduated from top-notch universities around the world, have joined the Company in a new recruitment season.
GUANGZHOU, China and BERLIN, Aug. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Smart energy storage solutions provider SAJ is delighted to announce its participation in IFA Berlin 2023, the world's largest consumer electronics and home appliances trade show, taking place from September 1-5, 2023. SAJ will be showcasing its advanced smart energy management technology under the theme "Revolutionize Energy Storage Solutions" at booth H22.116.
TASHKENT, Uzbekistan, Aug. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Antaisolar the leading supplier of the whole industry chain in PV mounting system, announced it has signed a 470MWp Solar Tracking System Supply contract with Enter Engineering, the top-ranked EPC contractor in Central Asia. Gabriel William Wong, Vice President of Antaisolar, Arabin Lama, General Manager of APAC, and representatives of Enter Engineering attended the contract signing ceremony. The project will be Antaisolar's largest solar tracke...
ABU DHABI, UAE, Aug. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The COP28 Presidency has announced that it will convene the Independent High-Level Expert Group (IHLEG) on Climate Finance in the UAE this week to drive progress on steps to reform international finance ahead of COP28.
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Aug. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- COP 28 President-Designate Dr. Sultan Al Jaber has visited Barbados to meet with Prime Minister Mia Motley and address distinguished leaders of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). In his speech, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber reaffirmed the COP28 Presidency's commitment to support communities most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and to push the international community to close the climate finance gap and address social and economic development i...
ZARAGOZA, Spain, Aug. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Shanghai Electric Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. ("Shanghai Electric Energy Storage" or "the Company") announced the completion of the factory acceptance test for its vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) equipment, which is now en route to Zaragoza, Spain, for a commercial energy storage project, marking the first time that Shanghai Electric delivers its flow battery products to a European partner in bulk.
VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --Westport Fuel Systems Inc. (TSX: WPRT) (NASDAQ: WPRT), a leading supplier of advanced alternative fuel systems and components for the global transportation industry, announced today it has been designated as the supplier of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) systems to a global original equipment manufacturer (OEM). This is in addition to the previously announced production supply agreement, adding new Euro 7 vehicle platforms planned for production by the OE...
Berlino, 08/082023 - BLUETTI, leader nell'innovazione delle soluzioni di accumulo di energia pulita, presenterà il suo nuovo sistema di batterie domestiche EP760, insieme ad altre stazioni di energia all'avanguardia, all'IFA 2023 di Berlino dal 1 al 5 settembre.
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Swedish Biofuels AB announced today that the ASTM International Committee has accepted the use of C2 to C5 alcohols as feedstock for the alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) pathway as well as a new specification for fully formulated aviation fuel with aromatics.
Roma, 07/08 2023 - Se possedete una power station, probabilmente conoscete già le batterie di espansione. Molti marchi offrono oggi soluzioni modulari per l'accumulo di energia, che di solito includono generatori di energia e batterie di espansione. Questi consentono di espandere la capacità della power station in base alle proprie esigenze.
Bari, 7 agosto 2023. 4-Energy, azienda installatrice di impianti fotovoltaici e specializzata negli ultimi anni in “modelli SEU” (Sistemi Efficienti di Utenza), ha scelto le strutture di montaggio Contact Italia per la realizzazione di un impianto da 564 kW per il più grande Shopping Center delle Marche, “Il Cuore Adriatico”.
IRVINE, Calif., Aug. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- FirstElement Fuel Inc. ("FEF" or the "Company"), a world leader in the construction and operation of hydrogen fueling stations and hydrogen supply chains, will celebrate its 10th anniversary this month at its headquarters in Irvine, California.
Detrazioni al 75% per le nuove finestre, a cui aggiungere quelle al 50% per un impianto fotovoltaico, senza contare un risparmio energetico annuo del 30%. E così, un doppio intervento da 20 mila euro può costarne solo 7.500.Alessandro Salvalaio (GIFT Srl): «Vi spiego come approfittarne attraverso il progetto FV Smart».
BEIJING, Aug. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- HyperStrong, a leader in dedicated energy storage system (ESS) integration and service provision, has this year begun a foray into the overseas market, with a view to meeting booming demand for energy storage.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- YuanTech Solar, a new PV manufacturer in China, announced that the company has delivered 1MW N-type TOPCon high-efficiency PV modules to INGENE SAGL, a well-known Swiss project developer and distributor, for industrial rooftop projects in Cadenazzo and Riazzino.
CHANGZHOU, China, Aug. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading photovoltaic module manufacturers including Trina Solar presented their 210R products at a semi-annual meeting of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association in mid-July.