More Than 350 Companies Increase Efficiency and Compliance with Veeva Training Solutions
Complete life sciences GxP training solution delivers audit readiness
Complete life sciences GxP training solution delivers audit readiness
CAESAREA, Israel, Jan. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Epitomee® announces the successful completion of the RESET pivotal clinical trial, for its weight loss capsule. The randomized placebo controlled, double blind trial, investigated the safety and efficacy of Epitomee® capsule versus the sham capsule control, alongside lifestyle interventions, for reducing body weight, in overweight or obese adults, with BMI of 27-40 without comorbidities, The trial was conducted in 9 different centers across the Unit...
New tagline reflects driving force behind company's vision to transform lives and the unifying quality shared among its global workforce and customers across industries
GUANGZHOU, China, Jan. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Guangzhou Fermion Technology Co., Ltd. (Fermion), a clinical-stage AI-based drug discovery company that specializes in developing drugs for autoimmune diseases and pain, has announced today that China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) approved the Investigational New Drug (IND) application for its non-addictive pain relief drug FZ008-145.
HAMBURG, Germany, Jan. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- International distributor Biesterfeld and leading technical plastics manufacturer Celanese are further expanding their collaboration in the new year. The partners have agreed to enhance their joint portfolio and to cooperate to develop new markets.
SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Samyang Innochem targeting global markets acquires international eco-friendly certification for the white bio material Isosorbide.
BERLIN, Dec. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- European Bioplastics unveils the 2023 edition of the market development update during EBC23 taking place in Berlin, Germany. Main findings show that after a period of stagnation, the overall plastic production is picking up again.
Como, 07/12/2023 - Si è recentemente conclusa l’ultima edizione del CPHI India, l'evento preminente in Asia per l'industria farmaceutica. Steriline ha partecipato per la prima volta direttamente, presentando un portafoglio prodotti mirato per il mercato del Sud-Est asiatico. L'esperienza è stata estremamente soddisfacente, e l'azienda comasca si prepara già per la prossima edizione del 2024, prevista dal 26 al 28 novembre sempre presso l'India Expo Centre di Greater Noida.
CHADDS FORD, Pa., Dec. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- ClariMed, Inc., the first end-to-end MedTech services partner to prioritize usability as the core of their integrated, human-centric approach to medical product development, today announced the opening of its new Cambridge, Massachusetts office.
DARMSTADT, Germany, Dec. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Merck, a leading science and technology company, today launched its AIDDISON™ drug discovery software, the first software-as-a-service platform that bridges the gap between virtual molecule design and real-world manufacturability through SynthiaTM retrosynthesis software application programing interface (API) integration.
SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Samyang Corporation targets the global market with its eco-friendly and safety proven transparent flame-retardant polycarbonate material.
WATERBURY, Conn., 29 novembre 2023/PRNewswire/ -- MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions ha annunciato che la società sta attivamente aiutando i propri clienti a conformarsi alle imminenti restrizioni che l'ECHA (Agenzia europea per le sostanze chimiche) sta predisponendo sulle sostanze a base di cromo (VI) per applicazioni di cromatura decorativa.
GAITHERSBURG, Md., Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX), a global company advancing protein-based vaccines with its Matrix-M™ adjuvant, today announced that Nuvaxovid™ XBB.1.5 COVID-19 Vaccine (NVX-CoV2601) has been granted Emergency Use Listing (EUL) by the World Health Organization (WHO) for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 in individuals aged 12 and older. The EUL assists WHO member states in assessing vaccines with the aim of expediting availability and enables th...
La società della Dott.ssa Michela Kahlberg fornisce supporto alle imprese per il rispetto delle normative sulle sostanze chimiche. E non mancano le critiche alle autorità.
Gli esperti: “C’è il rischio di perdere risparmi fino a 56 miliardi in Europa, a causa di carenza dei farmaci biosimilari”.
Le richieste in audizione al Senato sui documenti della riforma di settore: nome omogene sui farmaci innovativi; più incentivi agli investimenti in Italia.
HOUSTON, 20 novembre 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (LYB) oggi ha annunciato di aver preso la decisione finale dell'investimento per la costruzione del primo impianto catalitico dimostrativo di riciclaggio avanzato su scala industriale della società presso la sua sede di Wesseling, in Germania. Utilizzando la tecnologia proprietaria di LyondellBasell MoReTec, questo sarà il primo impianto di riciclaggio avanzato su treno unico su scala commerciale a convertire i rifiuti plastici post consumo...
Napoli, 20/11/2023 - Il mercato dell’e-commerce farmaceutico continua a crescere, basti pensare che nei soli primi 10 mesi del 2023 il fatturato e-commerce delle farmacie ha superato i 735 milioni di euro(report IQVIA Italia), +22% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno scorso.