Pelemix Announces Acquisition of Even-Ari Green Ltd.
TEL-AVIV, Israel, March 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Pelemix Ltd. announced today that it has acquired Israeli-based growing media manufacturer Even-Ari Green Ltd. (EAG).
TEL-AVIV, Israel, March 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Pelemix Ltd. announced today that it has acquired Israeli-based growing media manufacturer Even-Ari Green Ltd. (EAG).
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Carlsberg Group is forging ahead in its global move towards regenerative farming. The beer giant is taking strides with three pioneer brands in the UK, Finland and France, on its journey towards 100% regenerative agricultural practices by 2040.
DARTMOUTH, NS, Feb. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Acadian Plant Health™ today announced 'Sea Beyond,' the company's newly branded vision designed to transition the biostimulant industry with technological solutions that respond to an agricultural production system highly stressed by climate change.
Policoro (Mt), 23 gennaio 2023. La Nova Siri Genetics, società costituita nel 2005 in Basilicata, svolge attività di ricerca e sperimentazione di nuove varietà di fragole e piccoli frutti a basso fabbisogno in freddo, adatte alle aree caratterizzate da clima mite, situati nei quattro continenti.
MANCHESTER, England, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- XAG Agricultural Drones, P40 and V40, have been granted the UK's first-ever Operational Authorization from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for agricultural spraying operations. With the efforts of XAG's partner, AutoSpray Systems, drone spraying and spreading on farms become legal in the UK, which means that agriculture is about to embrace automation and AI for the net-zero goal.
L’azienda calabrese di Rizziconi lancia due nuovi fertilizzanti che aprono la via verso soluzioni più salubri per le colture.
Sono tre le aziende norvegesi di acquacoltura incoronate tra i migliori produttori di proteine sostenibili al mondo
Il nuovo progetto si inserisce appieno nella filosofia della società, parte del consorzio Produttori Agricoli Parco del Ticino
Milioni i pulcini maschi uccisi perché non redditizi. Con questo progetto sull’Ovosexing di Ettore Fieramosca si potrà individuare il sesso prima della schiusa, mettendo in vendita le uova, anziché uccidere il pulcino una volta nato
VANZAGO, Italy, Dec. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- WWF Italy, Rainforest Connection, and Huawei Italy recently renewed collaboration on the Nature Guardian series of area-based conservation projects. The second phase aims to study agriculture's impact on biodiversity in Italy using innovative audio-monitoring technologies.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, Nov. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Focused on providing more and better solutions for animal productivity, Biogénesis Bagó, the biotechnology company specialized in the development, production and commercialization of solutions for animal health, acquired Spanish biotech HIPRA's line of hormone products.
BALI, Indonesia, Nov. 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The G20 Sustainable Vegetable Oils Conference (SVOC), which took place today (3 November 2022) in Bali, was a resounding success, with the participation of the most important stakeholders in the vegetable oil sector. Taking part in the conference, organized by the Indonesian government and co-organized by the Indonesia Oil Palm Plantations Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS), Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) and Indonesian Palm Oil Associat...
LONDON, Nov. 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- A group of the world's largest and most influential agribusiness companies and organisations has today launched an action plan to scale regenerative farming globally to tackle the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss.
SINGAPORE, Nov. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) is collaborating with MARS and Fuji Oil to roll out Sawit Terampil, an upskilling programme for more than 4,000 independent smallholders from the Leuser Ecosystem area in Aceh and North Sumatera. It builds on GAR's traceability efforts which has seen the company map 95 percent of its supply chain to the plantation. GAR is now looking to further improve the livelihoods of farmers identified through traceability to plantation effor...
TAI'AN, Cina, 1 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Negli ultimi anni, la città di Tai'an, provincia di Shandong, ha compiuto ogni sforzo per promuovere la rivitalizzazione rurale, concentrandosi su una stabile produzione di cereali e sull'aumento della produzione, sullo sviluppo di un industria di alta qualità, sul miglioramento e la rivitalizzazione rurale in generale e l'aumento costante del reddito degli agricoltori. Al momento, nella città di Tai'an vi sono 557 aziende leader nel settore agricolo ...
MUMBAI, India, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- A well-guided effort is underway to seek the revocation of the inconsistent trade measures imposed by WTO at the next meeting of the World Trade Organisation - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee (7th - 11th November 2022). At issue is the validity of the European Union import tolerance Maximum Residue Level (MRL) of 0.01 ppm (parts per million) for the majority of pesticides. This equals 1 gram of pesticide residue for every 100 tons of food commodity...
QIRYAT SHMONA, Israel, Oct. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The MIGAL Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL), a regional mega-R&D center supported by Israel's Ministry of Science and Technology, today announced that its researchers have more than quadrupled the postharvest life of cucumbers - from two to nine weeks - using a "smart" sequential treatment protocol suggested by its innovative AI (Artificial Intelligence)-based algorithms.
S. Pietro di Feletto, (TV) 18 ottobre 2022. Responsabilità, cura del territorio e passione per il vino, di generazione in generazione, si tramandano all’interno della famiglia Balbinot, proprietaria della cantina Le Manzane.
BOLOGNA, Italy, Oct. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- FoodChain ID Group, Inc., a leading provider of technology-enabled food safety, quality and sustainability solutions for the food and agricultural industry, has acquired Cosmocert S.A., a leading organic certification and inspection company in Greece providing internationally and regionally recognized certification standards.
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- GreenBroz Inc., the leader in post-harvest cannabis processing technology, announced an updated version of its M+ Trimming System -- the first fully automated trimming system on the market. Designed to yield a better user experience and productivity, this powerful, intelligent solution combines the legendary Model M Dry Trimmer with the Rise Conveyor with intelligent controls to automate the movement of cannabis through the machine.