Japan: Fourteenth anniversary of East Japan earthquake marks slow return for Fukushima residents
March 11, 2025_ The 14th anniversary of the East Japan Earthquake highlights the plight of residents of Fukushima, where the current population is...
March 11, 2025_ The 14th anniversary of the East Japan Earthquake highlights the plight of residents of Fukushima, where the current population is...
March 10, 2025_ Fourteen years after the devastating Tōhoku earthquake, new analysis of previously unseen footage reveals important information about...
02 Marzo 2025_ Due mesi dopo la scomparsa dell'attore e presentatore Nishida Toshiyuki, un izakaya a Koriyama, Fukushima, ha ritrovato una bottiglia...
Страх, но жертв нет в Марокко после землетрясения магнитудой 5,2 балла по шкале Рихтера, зарегистрированного ночью. Местные СМИ сообщают, что землетрясение было зарегистрировано около полуночи по местному времени в северо-западном регионе Уэззана с эпицентром в Брикче, на глубине около 20 километров. Толчки ощущались в разных городах страны, в том числе в Рабате. До сих пор ни о каких разрушениях или жертвах не сообщалось. Два года назад в Марокко разрушительное землетрясение унесло жизни почти т...
Fear but no casualties in Morocco after the earthquake of magnitude 5.2 on the Richter scale recorded during the night. Local media reported that the earthquake was recorded around midnight local time in the northwestern region of Ouezzane, with its epicenter in Brikcha, at a depth of about 20 kilometers. The tremors were felt in various cities of the country, including Rabat. No damage or casualties have been reported so far. Two years ago in Morocco a devastating earthquake killed almost three ...
L'epicentro tra le isole di Alicudi e Filicudi a una profondità di 17 km
Il sisma registrato a una profondità di 1.9 km avvertito anche a Napoli
14 Gennaio 2025_ Il Giappone ha emesso un avviso temporaneo riguardante un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 che ha colpito la regione del Nankai Trough. Le...