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Domenica 07 Luglio 2024
Aggiornato: 20:08
10 ultim'ora BREAKING NEWS

Taiwan: Taiwanese fishing vessel seized by Chinese coast guard

2 July 2024_ A Taiwanese fishing vessel, the 'Da Jin Man 88', was seized by the Chinese coast guard while operating off the coast of Kinmen. The...

Taiwan: Taiwanese fishing vessel seized by Chinese coast guard
03 luglio 2024 | 12.33
LETTURA: 1 minuti

2 July 2024_ A Taiwanese fishing vessel, the 'Da Jin Man 88', was seized by the Chinese coast guard while operating off the coast of Kinmen. The incident occurred after the vessel entered Chinese territorial waters during the prohibited fishing season. Six crew members, including the Taiwanese captain and five Indonesian workers, were taken to the port of Weitou in China's Fujian province. The Taiwan Coast Guard sent two ships to try to intercept the fishing vessel, but to no avail. The newspaper 自由時報 reports it. Taiwanese authorities are now trying to negotiate the release of the crew and ship through diplomatic channels.

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