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Venerdì 27 Settembre 2024
Aggiornato: 00:37
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Pakistan: Diplomatic tensions with Afghanistan after Peshawar dispute

September 18, 2024_ Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan have become more complicated following a diplomatic incident in Peshawar, where an...

Pakistan: Diplomatic tensions with Afghanistan after Peshawar dispute
19 settembre 2024 | 12.31
LETTURA: 1 minuti

September 18, 2024_ Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan have become more complicated following a diplomatic incident in Peshawar, where an Afghan diplomat violated protocol during the Pakistani national anthem. The Afghan government's response was deemed inadequate, raising concerns about the already fragile relationship between the two countries. The chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province chose to defend the Afghan diplomat, highlighting cultural differences rather than condemning the act. The situation calls for a more nuanced approach by Pakistan's civilian leadership to address the complex dynamics with Afghanistan. This is reported by dailytimes.com.pk. It is crucial that Pakistan manages its relations with Afghanistan with caution, avoiding opening new fronts of conflict.

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