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Giovedì 04 Luglio 2024
Aggiornato: 10:38
10 ultim'ora BREAKING NEWS

Mongolia: Manual verification of votes in 2024 elections

July 1, 2024_ A manual verification of each ballot paper was conducted to confirm the results of voting machines in the 2024 regular elections of the...

Mongolia: Manual verification of votes in 2024 elections
01 luglio 2024 | 13.04
LETTURA: 1 minuti

July 1, 2024_ A manual verification of each ballot paper was conducted to confirm the results of voting machines in the 2024 regular elections of the State Great Hural of Mongolia. The General Election Commission of Mongolia reported that 29680 observers monitored the verification count at 2198 polling stations. A total of 25,700 public officials manually counted every single ballot for 18-25 hours without interruption, as required by electoral laws and regulations, in a way that was transparent to the media and voters. Verification counts were conducted under the supervision of observers from political parties, coalitions, non-governmental organizations and voters in 2198 polling stations. Montsame.mn reports it. This procedure aims to ensure the integrity and transparency of the electoral process in Mongolia.

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