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Giovedì 04 Luglio 2024
Aggiornato: 10:28
10 ultim'ora BREAKING NEWS

Mongolia: 2024 parliamentary elections observed by 259 international observers

30 June 2024_ Mongolia's parliamentary elections on 28 June 2024 were well organised, according to the 259 international observers present. The...

Mongolia: 2024 parliamentary elections observed by 259 international observers
01 luglio 2024 | 13.04
LETTURA: 1 minuti

30 June 2024_ Mongolia's parliamentary elections on 28 June 2024 were well organised, according to the 259 international observers present. The candidates had the freedom to conduct their election campaigns, but the increase in wages and social benefits before the elections created an unfair advantage for the ruling party. The OSCE and the European Parliament noted that, despite an adequate legal environment for democratic elections, improvements are needed to fully protect fundamental rights. Observers also noted that the new electoral law increased the number of members of parliament and female representation. Unuudur.mn reports it. The elections saw the participation of 2.2 million registered citizens, with a generally peaceful and transparent electoral process.

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