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Venezuela, 'climate of fear', disproportionate use of force and arbitrary detentions

13 agosto 2024 | 13.59
LETTURA: 1 minuti

Since the elections of July 28, a "climate of fear" has been established in Venezuela, marked by constant "arbitrary" detentions and a "disproportionate" use of force by the authorities. The complaint comes from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, who expressed "deep concern" about the ongoing crisis, after the official figures themselves spoke of over 2,400 people arrested in the last month. Among them are people linked to the opposition, which denounced electoral fraud.

For the United Nations, some cases of violations would amount to enforced disappearances. Some detainees were not given the opportunity to have legal assistance or to contact their families. Turk called for judicial guarantees and the immediate release of those arbitrarily arrested. (continued)

"It is particularly worrying that so many people have been arrested, accused of inciting hatred or terrorist crimes. Criminal law should never be used to unduly restrict the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association", stressed Turk who asked to eliminate the "disproportionate" use of force, which he attributed not only to the official bodies at the service of the government of Nicolás Maduro but also to armed individuals sympathetic to the administration in power.

Turk also denounced violent acts against public officials and institutions and stressed that "violence is never the answer". "All deaths in the context of the protests must be investigated and those responsible must be held accountable," he said. To the list of concerns of the High Commissioner is added the possible adoption of a law criminalizing NGOs. Finally, Turk underlines that the international community "has a fundamental role" in promoting a dialogue focused on human rights. "As always, my office is ready to collaborate".

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