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Saudi Arabia can play crucial role in Middle East peace - Italy

Displaced civilians in war-ravaged Gaza
Displaced civilians in war-ravaged Gaza
30 maggio 2024 | 14.01
LETTURA: 1 minuti

Saudi Arabia has a pivotal role to play in halting the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, freeing remaining hostages, in ensuring enough aid reaches civilians in the blockaded Palestinian enclave and the success of a post-war United Nations peacekeeping force there, according to Italy.

"I underlined the attention with which the government is following the situation in the Gaza Strip," foreign minister Antonio Tajani said in a statement on Thursday after talks in Rome with Saudi finance minister Faisal Alibrahim.

"As G7 president, we are also working for a cease-fire there that will allow an immediate increase in humanitarian aid for the Palestinian population, as well as the release of Israeli hostages being held by Hamas," Tajani continued.

"Italy is spearheading the 'Food for Gaza' initiative and is prepared to consider contributing troops to an Arab-led UN peacekeeping mission," Tajani added.

A UN peacekeeping mission could be based on the UNIFIL mission in southern Lebanon, Tajani suggested.

"Saudi Arabia's input and support for peacemaking efforts in the region is crucial," he said.

During the talks, Tajani voiced concern over the crisis in the Red Sea - where merchant shipping has come under repeated attack since October from Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen - according to the statement.

Italy is also worried by the repercussions of the Red Sea crisis for the national economy "while praising Riyadh's commitment to regional stability," Tajani underlined.

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