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France, government announcement not before Sunday, the totoministri

18 settembre 2024 | 16.51
LETTURA: 2 minuti

Despite the announcement being expected for this week, the composition of Michel Barnier's government should not be unveiled "before Sunday". And while the prime minister-designate continues consultations, speculation is growing about the profiles of the politicians who could be called upon to be part of the new French executive.

Starting with the exponents of Barnier's party, Les Républicains, from Wauquiez to Retailleau to Pécresse. According to rumors reported in the French media, Laurent Wauquiez showed up for negotiations demanding the post of interior minister. "Either Beauvau or nothing," he is said to have said, according to an LR executive who spoke to Bfmtv. The idea of having him succeed Gérald Darmanin at the Ministry of the Interior is still on the table, but it does not seem to have unanimous support, especially in the Macronist field.

For the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Valérie Pécresse's profile would be among the favorites. "She is not a candidate for anything, but it is clear that she would not say no to Bercy", declared a person close to her. Another profile being considered is that of former budget minister Éric Woerth, who could return to the same post after almost fifteen years. The expert profile of this former LR, who joined the Macronists in 2022, would be an important argument in his favor. (continues)

Among the names circulated, there are then those of ministers currently in office and who could remain in their posts. Resigning Labor and Health Minister Catherine Vautrin and her colleague Rachida Dati, Minister of Culture, could remain in government, although no portfolio has yet been decided, according to BfmTv. Sébastien Lecornu, former member of the French Liberal Party and new heavyweight in Macron's field, would be the favorite to retain the defense portfolio.

Other personalities still among the exponents of Les Républicains could emerge on this occasion. In particular, three names, all close to Michel Barnier, are circulating as possible candidates for government: Sophie Primas, vice-president of the Senate, Marie-Claire Carrège-Gé, senator of the Républicains and Olivier Marleix, former group leader of the LR in the Assembly). To these is added Vincent Jeanbrun, LR mayor of L'Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne), taken into consideration for two different positions, according to BfmTv.

However, Barnier does not forget the Macronists: several names of Ensemble pour la République deputies are circulating for the government: Maud Bregeon, Mathieu Lefebvre, Antoine Armand and the Modem deputy Jean-Paul Mattéi. Profiles not related to specific ministries. (continues)

Senator Claude Malhuret, close to Edouard Philippe, was also approached, as was BpiFrance chief Nicolas Dufourcq. According to a ministerial source, the senator and former minister of Macron Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne was considered for relations with Parliament.

The latest rumors concern the exponents of the left: the name of the former Minister of Economy Arnaud Montebourg is circulating, but he told Politico that he already has a "wonderful job" and does not want another one. Some PS leaders have publicly announced that they will not join Barnier's government. Former Agriculture Minister Stéphane Le Foll, Occitanie region president Carole Delga and Saint-Ouen mayor Karim Bouamrane are among them.

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