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Giovedì 25 Luglio 2024
Aggiornato: 15:00
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Foreign ministry to give 'dynamic' consular assistance during Paris Olympics

Foreign ministry to give 'dynamic' consular assistance during Paris Olympics
24 luglio 2024 | 16.20
LETTURA: 2 minuti

The foreign ministry is offering "dynamic" assistance to Italian visitors including useful contacts and information on road conditions, security and services for the Paris Olympics, which kick off on Friday, the ministry said in a statement.

"The foreign ministry, in cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Paris and the other Consulates affected by the Olympic Games, will provide dynamic consular assistance to meet the needs of the many Italian citizens present in France," foreign minister Antonio Tajani said in a statement.

"We have activated several embassy antennas in Paris, in the Ile de France region, and in other cities in France where the Games will be held, to help Italians in need," Tajani added.

Italy's Consulate has equipped itself with a vehicle used as a “mobile office”, which will allow consular officials to be operational across the "vast" territory of Paris, Tajani noted.

The Consulate has boosted its services from Wednesday "to guarantee the best possible assistance" during the Paris 2024 Olympics taking place until 11 August and for the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September, said the statement.

The 24-hour emergency number 0033144304770 has been activated for the entire duration of the Olympics, as well as an e-mail box – parigicg.olimpiadi@esteri.it – managed by the Consulate’s “Olympics Task Force”, according to the statement.

Italian nationals with an Italian SIM card who are in France will receive an SMS containing these contacts, as well as an invitation to download the foreign ministry's 'Safe Travel' App and to register on the foreign ministry's 'Whereweareintheworld' website accessible via app, the statement said.

'Safe Travel' offers a practical guide with useful information and advice on road conditions, sites hosting competitions, security measures put in place by the French authorities, addresses and contacts, Consular services and guidance on the various initiatives and tools being made available by France's authorities, the statement added.

With financial support from the foreign ministry, the Committee of Italians Abroad and the Association of Italian Doctors in Paris have set up a “virtual help desk for medical guidance and support in Italian”, the statement noted.

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