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Sabato 27 Luglio 2024
Aggiornato: 18:26
10 ultim'ora BREAKING NEWS

Salis case irrelevant to ECR entry of Hungary's Orban party Fidesz

Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orban Photo: AFP
Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orban Photo: AFP
05 febbraio 2024 | 18.58
LETTURA: 1 minuti

The case of jailed Italian antifascist Illaria Salis has no bearing on rightwing Hungarian premier Viktor Orban's possible entry into the conservative European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR), Antonio Tajani stated on Monday

"The European Parliament is not the Italian government," Tajani told reporters at the foreign ministry.

Should Orban's Fidesz' party's enter the ECR, "I don't see what it has to do with Salis' detention treatment", he said. added Tajani.

Salis made international headlines and caused a diplomatic rift between Italy and Hungary when she appeared in court in Budapest last Monday shackled at chained. Salis also alleges harsh, insanitary prison conditions.

Italy has protested to Hungary over Salis' treament, saying it breaches European Union norms and has asked for "alternative conditions" to prison for Salis ahead of her trial, which is set for May.

The goverment has also requested Italian translations of the charges against Salis and video footage of her allegedly attacking several neo-Nazis at an event in Budapest last February to allow her to mount her defence.

Salis denies the charges against her. Her lawyer says she could be jailed for 24 years if convicted. Tajani has asked for a press blackout while the goverment works to help Salis.

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