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Iraq: esercito lancia offensiva contro Isil per riprendere Tikrit

An Iraqi policeman was killed and five people were injured on Sunday when a roadside bomb exploded on the in eastern Baghdad. The explosion occured at 5:20 am (1:20 GMT) in entry of the al-Shuhada bridge and the policeman were killed who has been around the scene and five people traveling in a mini-bus, and a large bus, said Diya Sayef, a witness. At the site, the two vehicles were smashed up. There was shattered glass and a trace of blood on the ground. The bomb exploded right between a tunnel and the bridge © IBERPRESS
An Iraqi policeman was killed and five people were injured on Sunday when a roadside bomb exploded on the in eastern Baghdad. The explosion occured at 5:20 am (1:20 GMT) in entry of the al-Shuhada bridge and the policeman were killed who has been around the scene and five people traveling in a mini-bus, and a large bus, said Diya Sayef, a witness. At the site, the two vehicles were smashed up. There was shattered glass and a trace of blood on the ground. The bomb exploded right between a tunnel and the bridge © IBERPRESS
15 luglio 2014 | 10.18
LETTURA: 2 minuti

L'esercito iracheno ha lanciato un'offensiva per riprendere Tikrit, città situata nel nord del paese caduta il mese scorso nelle mani dei jihadisti dello Stato Islamico (Isil). Lo ha riferito la tv satellitare al-Arabiya, citando fonti della sicurezza irachena.

Secondo le fonti, le truppe regolari sono avanzate nella notte fino alle zone periferiche della città, distante 160 chilometri da Baghdad. Violenti combattimenti si registrano in queste ore nel distretto meridionale di Shishin. Tikrit è una roccaforte dei lealisti dell'ex rais Saddam Hussein e di quegli ufficiali delle forze armate che hanno disertato unendosi all'Isil fin dall'inizio dell'offensiva jihadista nel nord dell'Iraq.

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